Tuesday, September 16, 2008

The Boot: Firsthand

So, the title of this post probably made you think that I got the dreaded "Boot". No, I actually had the opportunity to watch two men from the Boston Department of Public Works, mount a boot onto some poor, hapless, ticket evader. I was so excited to finally see how it all works and I even went up to the workers and asked them a few questions while they were putting it on the car. They seemed delighted to know that someone finds their work intriguing.

I asked them how many "Boots" they'd installed so far, and they answered, "3", which seemed like a low number to me. Then, I asked them if they've ever been booted, and they answered, "No, we are smart about paying our tickets." Now, I wonder if they would really boot themselves if they were on the list?? Anyway, the whole act of booting takes less than 3 minutes. I wish that I had my camera with me, so that I could show the process (there are two pieces to the locking system on the boot). Until next time...

Monday, July 14, 2008

focus on nutrition

My departure from derby is already starting to make me feel bloated. One of my post-derby goals is to work on core strengthening through Pilates. I am currently looking for an affordable studio. I am also training to run the Tufts 10K and few other races with a group of friends. However, I know that the real reason I am gaining weight is because I eat too much. So, I am going to start focusing on portion size, eating nutritious foods, and cutting out crappy foods with lots of calories. So, this blog will also start to serve as a food journal.

July 14

Exercise: bike 2.5 miles to work
Breakfast- 1 medium coffee with 1/2 teaspoon splenda and 2 tablespoon of skim milk
8 oz. soy milk: 2g, 100 cal.
container of Cheerios: 2.5g, 140 cal., Dietary fiber 4g.
Lunch- large steamed veggie salad with honey mustard dressing (lettuce, peppers, onions, broccoli, spinach, mushrooms.) 1.5 piece of pita bread. approx. 350 calories
1 teaspoon of peanutbutter: 5 gfat, 50 calories.
Dinner- 3/4 cup tomato sauce (garlic), 1.5 cup tofupasta (Soyboy), 1/2 Boca veggie sausage, eggplant pattie (1, Trader Joe's)
Exercise: treadmill run 2.75 miles, 60 situps, etc. bike 2.5 miles from work

July 15

Breakfast- 1 cup cereal, 3/4 cup of rice milk, handful of blueberries
Exercise: bike to work, 2.5 miles
Snack- 1 cup of coffee, splenda
Snack- 2 cups of fruit (pineapple, cantalope, grapes, blueberries, melon)
Lunch- 1/4 cup tomato sauce (garlic), 1 cup tofupasta (Soyboy), 1/2 Boca veggie sausage, eggplant pattie (.5, Trader Joe's)
Exercise: bike to downtown, 1.5 miles
Snack- 1.5 cups of pretzels
Exercise: bike home from downtown, 3 miles
Dinner- 1 egg, 2 slices of whole wheat bread, 1/2 tea spoon oil, 1 slice rice cheese, 6 slices of polenta, 1 fake veggie breakfast sausage
Snack- 1/2 cup of soy icecream, 1 handful of blueberries

Thursday, September 13, 2007

7 year olds are already acting as the new IT workforce

This links to a recent NY Times article about how kids are more tech-savvy than adults. It is scary to consider going into a field where I would be teaching young people, who have been using computers for their entire lives, how to use technology. I didn't even have exposure to the internet until I was 21! I am a "digital immigrant" and I am desperately trying to get up to speed.

Tuesday, July 3, 2007

Living the Stereotype

My friend Tom occasionally makes fun of me for talking about my cat. He calls me "Cathy", and I laugh. But seriously folks, tonight I am beginning to wonder if I am "Cathy". I am sitting at home, thinking about my man on tour, eating ice cream, and now this. Yes, it gets worse. Click on the link and you will hear a recording I did a couple of hours ago of my cat purring. I justified doing this by reasoning that I am learning how to publish sound clips on my blog; learning new technology. Well, here's the link, you might have to turn up your computer volume a bit:
Anxious Purring

Now, I will retreat for a beer at my friend Liz's house...or is this just a clever cover up for me to go shopping? You'll never know.

Friday, June 15, 2007


Tonight I am going to a birthday party for one of my best friends. For those of you who don't know her; upon first glance you would think she is a preppy, well mannered woman. This image holds up without a problem because she is very sweet and polite, however you might be shocked when she releases her cache of f-bombs (which she drops in a very charming way). She is one of my favorite people and I am so happy that she is living a healthy, fulfilling life. So three Cheers to Y.M.!

To celebrate her life, she is having a METALLICA birthday party. I am psyched to finally tease my hair (I never did it while in high school because I had the wrong type of hair).

Friday, May 25, 2007

Friday, 80+ degrees- Finally

What a day! Today is the beginning of summer work hours, which means I am out at 2pm, and what could be even more wonderful? It is beautiful outside. When I leave work, Rob and I are meeting up at the Charles River for a picnic. I vowed to make this summer, The Year of the Picnic, and this will be the first of the series. I am hoping it is not too windy and that we don't get attacked by nasty seagulls or geese. I am not sure what is on the menu yet, but I do know there will be a baguette and cheese.

Tonight, post-picnic, I am picking Tony up at South Station and we are heading over to the practice space. This weekend we will be working on new material for our forthcoming album. We are slated for 16 hours in our lil 20x10 rehearsal space!



We found a lovely place under an elm tree in the park across from Whole Foods. It's a beautiful park that overlooks the Charles (as well as traffic on Mem. Drive).

Pineapple and blueberry mix
Crackers w/ spicy goat cheese spread
Mexican Rice with cashews
Tuna on baguette

It was a delicious feast followed by a nap. What a perfect day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2007

Freedom to ...now what

A few weeks ago, I was craving free time. I was working overtime at work, taking a library cataloging course, and going to roller derby practice 4 days a week. Well, I finished school last monday (the powerpoint was fabulous by the way), we ended our derby season 2 weeks ago, and work is much less stressful now that the students are gone.

So, I now have what I wanted- free time- to read whatever I want to read, to visit with friends, to laze around the house. But guess what, I am already stir crazy. I feel like I have nothing to do and it is making me feel lazy and bored. Why is it that I can't appreciate this time off?